Top 5 Interview Questions For Junior Python Developers
You have a python developer with over 10 years of programming experience; however, he is currently overworked and is demanding some extra hand. It’s time to hire another Python guy but you aren’t willing to pay the same salary to another boss python guy since this role is a supporting role. What do you do?
That’s right: you hire a junior python developer.
However, if done wrong this one move can slow down your company’s progress by over a 75%. This is why you need to go through the right hiring process and ask the right questions before picking anyone. This a lot different from interviewing a senior python developer. Don’t panic though. Droomwork is here to help. In this article, we’ll be sharing exactly what to expect from your junior Python developer and what questions to ask to find your pin in the haystack.
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Who are Junior Python Developers?
Top 5 Interview Questions To Ask A Junior Python Developer (And the Answers They Should Give)
Conclusion: The Droomwork hack
Don’t let the word ‘Junior’ fool you; these guys are still crucial to your team’s success and are skilled enough to amplify your growth. Basically, junior developers have worked with Python for between 2 and 4 years so they can handle certain levels of technicality.
They mostly work with other developers, especially senior ones, to write and deploy Python code. They are also skilled at writing effective test cases such as unit tests to ensure that their codes are efficient and meet design requirements. They are able to modify older Python codes to ensure they follows modern principles. They must have good corporate ethics too and be able to liaise with stakeholders and other superiors to understand project requirements.
Here’s a very important one: junior developers must ensure seamless integration between front end and back end systems. No one like glitches upon execution. And, though it is the bane of every programmer, junior developers must be skilled at identifying and fixing bugs in code.
That said, how can you determine if the developer sitting before you in the interview room is the right match for the job? Simply ask the following questions.
Top 5 Interview Questions To Ask A Junior Python Developer (And the Answers They Should Give
In this list, the first 3 will be technical questions, the fourth will be a practical question and the fifth will be an important soft skill question. Here goes:
State the primary language features of Python.
One of the best ways to discover if the developer is a good fit for you is by asking foundational questions so that you can get a grasp of how deep his/her skills run. Since this developer will be writing code under supervision, this question will tell you whether you’d have to baby-sit this developer throughout the project or he/she will be able to work independently to some extent.
The Answer:
Interpreted language: Unlike C, Python code does not need compilation before running, hence its fast development cycle.
Object-oriented language: Since Python is an Object Oriented Programming technology like Java and C++, it allows inheritance of class definition. However, Python doesn't have any mechanism that effectively restricts variable or method access.
Python’s code execution is slower than that of compiled languages, hence the use of Numpy.
What are the 3 main bugs you might encounter in Python programming?
Let’s face it- bugs are one of the most time-consuming problems in development projects. A junior developer had better know how to get past the most basic bugs at least.
The Answer:
No Indentation: Indentation is compulsory to separate blocks of putting spaces at the beginning of the code line. for example in an “if” block While other languages mainly use it to improve code readability, in Python, indentation is a key concept.
Case Switching: Python is a case-sensitive code. This means declaring the variable “A” and printing “a” will give an error.
The Wrong operator: Errors will come up when you ues the wrong operators or forget to use the right ones. For example, if you forget to add a semi-colon(;) after an “if” statement or forget to enclose an integer within quotations (“”), you’d get an error.
Differentiate between local and global variables
Even junior developers need to possess some level of dexterity. They must know the terms that accrue to what they do. This question helps you to decide if a developer can engage in technical conversation or take technical instructions. A lot of programmers may be skilled with their fingers but not with their vocab. Those kinds will make you repeat simple instructions a hundred times over before they finally get it.
The Answer:
If a variable is declared outside of a function, it’s a global one and is in the ‘global space’. Variables declared within a function are local ones and within the local ones. Global variables can be accessed by every function within the code; however, trying to call local variables outside their specific functions will return an error message.
PRACTICAL: Generate a random set of numbers with Python
Say you want to run a test on a model, which you’ll often have to do, your junior developer should, at least be able to handle this with minimal errors. This way, the project load is lifted off the back of your senior developer.
The Answer:
There are a number of statements that can be used to create random number generators including:
random.random – returns a floating value in the range from 1 to 10.
randrange(a,b) returns a random integer number within a given range. This method doesn’t create a range object.
uniform(a,b) returns a random float value located within a given range.
Here’s a good response however:
# Program to generate a random number between 0 and 9
import random
You have one hour until the project deadline and code that’s not working. What do you do?
This happens a lot of times, and the average developer will take a nap and give excuses. You need your developer to be innovative, collaborative and flexible.
The Answer
There are different ways around this; however, three things are important: your developer must know how tp open up, ask for help, take a short meditative break to get new angles and be ready to start from scratch if the need arises. Your candidates’ answer will tell you if they are sneaky, lazy or committed to tasks. Pay attention to these indicators.
In Conclusion: The Droomwork Hack
Yes, there’s a lot to consider to consider when it comes to selecting the perfect developer for you. These questions are by no means exhaustive; however, they are good place to start. But, why put yourself through the stress when Droomwork has a long list of talents vetted using several intentional, targeted questions and practical simulations. We’re just waiting for you to take a pick.

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